Mar 30, 2010

chrome browser commands

As you may very well know, Google Chrome browser is built for speed and security.
Aside from that, there are extra commands, as well as many extensions, available.
Personally, though, I prefer to use Chromium as my browser. This is the code which Google Chrome is based on. I set Chromium on my computer to update automatically, so I'm always on the bleeding edge of the newest version.
These are the extra commands, for Chromium, I have been using lately:
(there are two hyphens in front of each line)

All of these commands are entered in the shortcut for Chrome/Chromium.
Right click on the shortcut, go to Properties, and go to the Target box.
First make sure that the entire command line is enclosed in double quotes.
Then put a Space after the closing double quotes, and type in the Purge Memory switch.
The command line should look like this:
"C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Chromium\Application\chrome.exe" --purge-memory-button
Type a Space again, and enter the Enable Extensions switch.
You need this first in order to run the other switches/commands.
So now you would have this at the end:
--purge-memory-button --enable-extensions
If you find that Chrome is getting a little RAM hungry after extended browsing sessions, then just press SHIFT + ESC. Click: Purge Memory
This switch works on both Chrome and Chromium.
The Sync switch is handy, because all my bookmarks are backed up to my Google Docs automatically. I never have to worry about backing up my bookmarks.
To sync bookmarks to your Google account (you have a Google account I assume), click on the wrench (settings) and click on Bookmarks Synced. Enter your Google credentials.
Now, the huge advantage to this is that any computer running Google Chrome, with the Bookmarks Synced enabled, will receive the same bookmarks. So, your computer at work, at home, etc, will always show the same bookmarks. Of course, you could always stop the sync. At the very least, if you are at a different computer than your own, you could just access your Google Docs for the bookmarks.
I run Chromium and Chrome, and they both run Bookmark Sync.
You can also enter the User Scripts and Geolocation switch.
The Internal Flash switch is new. For the time being is only available for the latest dev version of Google Chrome, so that users don't have to worry about installing the latest version of Adobe Flash. Google Chrome plans to bring that functionality to all Google Chrome users as soon as possible.

Mar 1, 2010

computer registry cleaning

I have read and heard plenty about cleaning your computer, and especially when it comes to the registry.
There are lots of ads online stating that you should use their program to clean the registry, as long as you pay.
Well, most of those are just plain bunk, and will probably do more harm to your computer than good.
These days there is no need to pay for such programs.  There are some very good free applications that are as good as, even better than, anything you could pay for.
When I'm explaining to computer uses about cleaning the registry, I use this analogy: imagine every day when you leave for work you have to go through a maze.  Each day the maze is different, so you can't use the previous results.  So, you have to check each way in order to find your way out. So, when you computer boots, it has to check leftovers, library files, and shortcuts to see if they work. In other words, your computer is wasting time, wasting cycles. Now imagine when you enter that maze, all the dead ends, all the paths which don't work, are closed off.  Heck, you're going to find your way out in no time! Same with your computer - removing the dead ends will save your computer from having to check all that crap when it boots. Makes sense doesn't it?
My personal choice when it comes to cleaning all the crap from my computer is: CCleaner. It was formerly known as Crap Cleaner, because it cleans all the crap from a computer - dead end library files, temp files, leftovers which aren't needed anymore.  If those files are not needed then get rid of them.  I've run CCleaner on other peoples' computers and it has found in excess of 1,000 leftover garbage files!
I use CCleaner religiously on my computer.  In fact, I set CCleaner to auto-run when my computer starts.
You can find CCleaner here.
Now, the settings are a personal taste.  But at the very least, set CCleaner to remove the temp files and cookies.  These are the settings I use.
Open CCleaner. You will be at the Cleaner option, and Windows tab.
- under IE: check off every box.  If you save your passwords (why?) then uncheck Autocomplete Form History.  Personally, I don't have my computer remember any of my passwords, because this means there is a file on my computer holding my password.  Therefore, it can be found.
- under Windows Explorer: check off every box.
- under System: uncheck the last two boxes (Start Menu & Desktop), but check everything above them.
- under Advanced: check Old Prefetch Data & User Assist History
Go to Options. Under Settings select Run CCleaner when computer starts. Under Advanced check Close program when finished. Check Save All Settings to INI file.  You could have CCleaner automatically check for updates if you'd like. I prefer to check manually.
Go to the Registry option. Check off every box. Then have CCleaner Scan for Issues. When that is complete, select Fix Selected Issues. A box will popup, select Fix Issue(s). Close box.  Any changes to the registry are saved to the CCleaner folder.
You may not necessarily notice the difference in how your computer runs, but your computer will thank you for not having to check all that crap when it boots.  Remember, be kind to your computer and your computer will be kind to you :)