Feb 22, 2010

blogger app for iPhone

I just discovered: BlogWriter. A blog posting app for the iPhone. It will do blogger, wordpress, and self hosted blogs.
This is a very convenient way to post straight to my blog, and not some round about method.
The light version of BlogWriter is text only (no images), the pro version allows for images to be uploaded.
As much as I love the "Google-verse" and everything it does, BlogWriter is not part of it :)

Feb 12, 2010

google buzz

about Google Buzz... I'm just not sure I want to be sharing my contacts with other people. this is akin to giving out someone's phone number without their permission.
so, with that in mind, I turned off that feature in my Gmail accounts.
to turn off Google Buzz entirely, read the small print at the bottom of your Gmail account.
however, that's not saying that I do not want to share my activities with some of my contacts.
I use Google Picasa, I have Google profiles, I use Google Reader, Google Docs, and Google Wave.
in fact, I use Google exclusively for everything.
my simple solution to decide which contacts I share what with: I created groups for my Gmail contacts:
- picasa shared
- profile shared
- reader shared
I put the appropriate contacts in each of those groups.
next, I went to each: Picasa, Profile, Reader, etc, and used those groups to share with.
this makes it quite easy to change what I share with whom, simply by adding or removing contacts from those groups.